Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poll – What’s Your Favorite Polish Finish?

I recently ran a poll on Twitter and the big question was “What’s your FAVORITE polish finish? Holographic, creme, glitter (chunky or micro)? Shimmer, matte, duo chrome, or jelly? ” According to the feedback I recieved from the people that responded, CREMES won with 35% of your votes! Most of you agreed that “Creme’s are classic; you can never go wrong with a creme polish.” Here’s a popular creme, China Glaze For Audrey:
Coming in second was HOLOGRAPHICS with 23%! Can you believe that at one point during the poll, holographics and cremes were tied? I think the creme fans jumped on at the right time to give holos a run for their money! In the end, you all love holographics because of their “uniqueness”. I have to agree with you on that one! Here’s China Glaze LOL from the OMG Collection:
In third place was GLITTER with 13% of your votes! I understand that many people have a love/hate relationship with glitter. While you adore glitter polishes, you can’t stand the removal process! I completely understand where you’re coming from: How can something so beautiful be such a pain in the whoo-haa? Well, here’s a tip that’s been shared with me many times: Soak a piece of felt (this can be picked up in fabric stores) in actone and start rubbing away! The felt won’t break up into a million pieces like a cotton pad, so I promise that it will last through the removal process of all 10 fingers! With that being said, here’s one of China Glaze’s best-selling glitter polishes, Ruby Pumps:
Not to be forgotten, shimmer and duo-chrome polishes both came in at 7%, while jelly and matte polishes recieved 4% of the votes.
What’s your favorite China Glaze polish that falls into one of these categories?

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